Tips For Creating Stunning Landscape Effects With Container-Grown Ornamental Grasses

Home & Garden Blog

You can grow many different types of plants in containers and place them directly in the garden or use them to decorate a deck or patio. When growing ornamental grasses in containers, you must take drainage, soil content, pot size and moisture into consideration. Following a few tips can help you successfully grow ornamental grasses in containers and incorporate them beautifully into your landscape design.  Use A Step-By-Step Approach for Potting Grasses 

27 January 2015

Got Stiff Sliding Glass Doors? Learn How To Fix Them For An Easier Glide

Home & Garden Blog

If you've had your sliding glass doors replaced, or even if you have older ones, you might notice that they stick from time to time. When these doors become hard to open and you feel like you need to be a superhero to slide them, there is an easy fix. This guide explains the steps to take to help your doors glide across the track, instead of being stubborn: Step 1: Remove the Door

23 January 2015

4 Things To Keep In Mind When Buying Patio Furniture

Home & Garden Blog

If you plan to spend any time outside your home at all, patio furniture is a must. There are so many choices out there that it can be overwhelming, but if you keep some key items in mind, you will be able to choose outdoor furniture that stands the test of time. Here are four things to keep in your thoughts as you shop. Remember Comfort You may be focusing on whether the furniture you choose will be able to withstand all the weather in your area, and that may lead you to focus on furniture that seems sturdy but uncomfortable.

16 January 2015

Three Diseases That Can Infect Northern Catalpa Trees

Home & Garden Blog

Northern catalpa trees are known for being easy to grow. They tolerate compacted soils, droughts and shade, making them a popular choice in cities and suburbs. Catalpas can live for 60 years or longer, but like most trees, they are susceptible to a number of diseases that may limit their lifespan. Here's a look at three of those diseases, and how to best prevent and treat them. Verticillium Wilt Caused by the fungi Verticillium albo-atrum and Verticillium dahliae, this disease causes leaves to fall prematurely.

9 January 2015