Useful Tips To Improve The Performance Of Your Septic System

Home & Garden Blog

Onsite wastewater treatment systems contain a septic tank and drain field to treat wastewater from your home and release it safely to the ground. While these systems are generally economical and safe, their effectiveness can be reduced by contaminants in your household water, resulting in clogging or the release of toxic substances into the groundwater.

Signs that your septic system isn't effective include the occurrence of smelly regions on your drain field, a septic tank that fills up too quickly or wastewater backup into your faucets. If you own an on-site septic system, this article will provide helpful information on how you can prevent it from failing and ensure it serves you for a long time.

Minimize the volume of household water

The best way to improve septic tank performance is to reduce the amount of water flowing down your drains. This will give the system more time to effectively treat your wastewater, increasing its lifespan and reducing the chances of your tank overflowing. Less flow also means that your septic tank won't have to be emptied as often, bringing costs down.

To reduce the amount of water entering your septic system, call in a plumber to fix all leaky pipes, and train your family to turn off water faucets between uses. Constructing a swale upslope of the drain field can also help divert surface runoff flowing downslope.

Another effective way to reduce water flow into your drains is to invest in controlled-flow showerheads that allow you to use less water while bathing. Taking shorter showers and installing low-flow toilet models could also prove very effective in cutting down on your daily household water usage. Washing clothes using a front loading washer, as well as washing full loads of clothes can also help save water. When running small loads of clothes, you can save on water by using the reduced water level setting on your washer.

Improve the quality of your wastewater

Contaminants in your household water, such as organic waste, fat deposits, sludge and other solids can easily clog up your drains and septic tank, necessitating costly and premature cleaning or emptying.

Avoid putting fats, grease or cooking oil down the kitchen sink,  and don't flush paper towels, sanitary napkins, tampons disposable diapers or coffee grounds down the your toilets. Such waste can easily clog up your septic tank or cause your drain filed to fail.

Additionally, try to minimize use of your garbage disposal, as it increases the amount of water flowing down the drains, as well as deposits large amounts of suspended solids and organic matter into the septic system. For assistance, talk to a professional like Sullivan Septic.


19 October 2015

Keeping Cool All Summer Long

Moving to a hot climate freed me from dealing with snow and ice in the winter. However, it also brought a lot more heat during the summer. I had resigned myself to paying big bills for cooling nine months out of the year when I found out from a friend that my air conditioner was struggling and need in of repair. Once a technician stopped by and gave my equipment a tune up, my cooling costs were nearly cut in half! This surprising discovery prompted me to head online and blog about my experiences. Even if you and your family only use the air conditioner a few times a month during the summer, you can benefit from my tips on keeping the equipment running smoothly and efficiently. You'll appreciate the combination of cooler indoor temperatures and lower monthly bills.